Its not a secret yet its missed so easily. Worry !!! That stinking devil that try’s to get us all wound up in the what ifs of our life.
Matthew 6:25 "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
Worry is a weapon to disable the Word of God from working in your heart. And it’s designed to rob you of Gods peace.
Ever notice the intensity of doubts that bomb bard your thoughts when you begin to let God direct your day? It’s not a coincidence, the devil steals, kills destroys. With only a thought he can almost destroy your day. It can NOT happen however unless you participate.
John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life,
Jesus gives us a key Matthew 6:25 KJV
[25] Therefore I say unto you, TAKE no thought for your life,…..
Jesus has just pointed out that the devil offers an invitation. How? By giving you a thought. Jesus doesn’t want you to RSVP to that thought!!!!
Don’t take it !!! Take NO thought. The worry is delivered by a low level devil, disguised in your own inner voice. Worry’s invitation has all the power of unbelief, doubt, distraction and a detonation waiting for its activation. We accidentally activate worry and find ourselves in a great big mess trying to pray, believe God, crying and wondering why we are stuck. Some even blame God, wondering if the Word even works!!
How then did we activate this invite of worry that exploded unbelief all over our situation?
Matthew 6:31 Therefore take no thought, SAYING What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
We said what was written on the invite out aloud!!!! We spoke it out, gave it our voice !!! Not only did we say it, we kept on SAYING it. Our heart received the words then began to grow them. !!!!
The thing with worry seed it’s an immediate harvest. Also it’s an expedient super spreader !!!! If not dealt with quickly will cover your heart garden with weeds that will completely choke out Gods Word, which is where our peace is.
Beautiful one, it’s a discipline of the believing Christian to pay attention to your thought life and guard it by not receiving any thought that exalts itself above the Word of God. The discipline is getting Gods Word in your heart to measure the thoughts as they appear. That happens over time, be patient and continue. The Word works.
Meanwhile let’s call for a harvest failure on every worry seed we have spoken out of our mouth today.
Father I repent from taking up the invitation of worry and speaking it out. I cancel and call a harvest failure on those seeds. I believe I receive faith and assurance now as I put my trust in You. I receive the Peace you promised and say to my heart be still, in JESUS NAME.
